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Book 1 - 16 of 278
Row Call Number Heading
1 658.802 L523A 1994 oAnalysis for marketing planning / Donald R. Lehmann, Russell S. Winer
2 658.8 P455A 2000 oApplications in basic marketing : clippings from the popular business press / William D. Perrea
3 658.802 P254A 2000 oAuditing markets, products and marketing plans / David Parmerlee ; American Marketing Associati
4 658.800285467 O18B 2000 : cashing-in on the business-to-business e-commerce bonanza / Brian O'Connell
5 658.800285467 C973B 2001 oB2B how to build a profitable E-commerce strategy / Michael J. Cunningham
6 658.8 P455B 1999 oBasic marketing : a global-managerial approach / William D. Perreault, E. Jerome McCarthy 1999
7 658.8068 D228B 2000 oBasic marketing management / Douglas J. Darymple, Leonard J. Parsons
8 658.83 C563B 2004 oBasic marketing research / Gilbert A. Churchill, Jr., Tom J. Brown
9 658.83 B967B 2006 oBasic marketing research : using Microsoft Excel data analysis / Alvin C. Burns, Ronald F. Bush
10 CD 658.83 B967B 2006 oBasic marketing research : using Microsoft Excel data analysis [CD-ROM] / Alvin C. Burns, Ronal
11 658.802 K49B 2015 oBlue ocean strategy : how to create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant
12 658.802 K49B 2005 oBlue ocean strategy : how to create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant
13 658.827 D141B 2001 oBrand warfare : 10 rules for building the killer brand / David F. D'Alessandro
14 658.827095 T288B 2000 oBranding in Asia : the creation, development and management of Asian brands for the global marke
15 658.8270285 B818 2001 oBranding@thedigitalage / Interbrand ; Herbert Meyers, Richard Gerstman, editor
16 658.8 B828 2000 oBreaking compromises : opportunities for action in consumer markets from the Boston consulting g

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