MARC 21 Concise Bibliographic: Control Field 007


This field contains special information about the physical characteristics in a coded form. The information may represent the whole item or parts of an item such as accompanying material.
The data elements in field 007 are positionally defined and the number of character positions in field 007 depends upon the code contained in 007/00. Character position 00 contains a code that identifies the category of material. The fill character (|) is not allowed in this position. The fill character may be used in any other character position when the cataloging agency makes no attempt to code the position.
The categories of material for which field 007 is applicable in bibliographic records are presented in the following order in the field description: map, globe, projected graphic, microform, nonprojected graphic, motion picture, sound recording, text, videorecording, unspecified.
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Cartographic materials other than globes and atlases (008/25, Cartographic material type, code a, b, or c).

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Used for all computer files (i.e., programs, data files, etc.) which usually consists of digitized machine-readable data or program code intended to be accessed, processed, or executed by computer.

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A model of a celestial body depicted on the surface of a sphere. See the descriptions of character positions /01-05 under

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When field 007/00 contains code f, it contains special coded information about the physical aspects of material that is intended to be read by touch.

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A two-dimensional representation intended to be projected without motion by means of an optical device.

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A transparent or opaque medium bearing microimages that are too small to be read without magnification. A microform may be an original publication or a reproduction of existing textual or graphic material.

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A two-dimensional pictorial representation not intended to be projected for viewing.

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A series of still pictures on film, with or without sound, designed to be projected in rapid succession to produce the optical effect of motion.

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Indicates that the item is a kit, which is defined as a mixture of various components issued as a unit and intended primarily for instructional purposes. No one component is identifiable as the predominant component of the item.
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Indicates that the item is a notated music, which is defined as graphic, non-realized representations of musical works, both in printed and digitized manifestations. It includes musical scores and/or parts, diagrammatic representations, tablature, instructions for chance compositions, pictures or paintings intended as musical compositions, square note notation, klavirskribo, chant notation, neumes, braille, and other ways of representing the four components of musical sound: pitch, duration, timbre, and loudness.

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Indicates that the item is a remote-sensing image which is defined as an image produced by a recording device that is not in physical or intimate contact with the object under study. This may be a map or other image that is obtained through various remote sensing devices such as cameras, computers, lasers, radio frequency receivers, radar systems, sonar, seismographs, gravimeters, magnetometers, and scintillation counters.

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A disc, tape, film, cylinder, or wire on which sound vibrations have been registered so that the sound may be reproduced; and paper rolls on which the notes of a music composition are represented by perforations in the paper and from which sound can be mechanically produced.

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Eye-readable printed or manuscript material.

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A recording on which visual images, usually in motion and accompanied by sound, have been registered, and which are designed for playback on a television receiver or video monitor.

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The physical form of the described item is not identified by any other 007 category-of-material code. This category is also used for an item having multiple physical forms that are not identified in separate 007 fields.

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Comments: (01/24/00/jer)