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Book 1 - 16 of 25
Row Call Number Heading
1 658.401 H254B 2007 oBreak from the pack : how to compete in a copycat environment / Oren Harari
2 658.16 G885C 2000 oCapitalize on merger chaos : six ways to profit from your competitors' consolidation and your ow
3 658.401 F495C 1998 oClockspeed : winning industry control in the age of temporary advantage / Charles H. Fine
4 658.4012 H212C 1994 oCompeting for the future / Gary Hamel, C. K. Prahalad
5 658 P847C 1985 oCompetitive advantage : creating and sustaining superior performance / Michael E. Porter
6 658.802 H784C 1993 oCompetitive positioning : the key to marketing strategy / Graham J. Hooley, John Saunders
7 658 P847C 1980 oCompetitive strategy : techniques for analyzing industries and competitors / Michael E. Porter
8 658 P847C 1998 oCompetitive strategy : techniques for analyzing industries and competitors : with a new introduc
9 658.47 N788C 1999 oConfidential : uncover your competitors' top business secrets legally and quickly-and protect yo
10 P 658.827 T861D 2000 oDifferentiate or die : survival in our era of killer competition / Jack Trout, Steve Rivkin
11 658.8121 G135N 2006 oFormulas for competitive business success : the science of strategy / Gary Gagliardi
12 658.4038 R845F 2004 oFrom knowledge to intelligence : creating competitive advantage in the next economy / Helen N.
13 658.4 B261G 2007 oGaining and sustaining competitive advantage / Jay B. Barney
14 658.4 B261G 1997 oGaining and sustaining competitive advantage / Jay B. Barney
15 658.4038 H339 1998 oHarvard Business Review on knowledge management / Harvard Business School
16 658 I93M 1994 oManagement : quality and competitiveness / John M. Ivancevich

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