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 Accession No.  M0081190 c1
  M0081191 c2
 ISBN  9749217101
 Call Number  R 657.0218593 A163 2004
 Author  Angkarat Priebjrivat
 Title  Abridged TAS : Thai accounting standards : December 2003 / Angkarat Priebjrivat
  TAS : Thai accounting standards : December 2003
 Imprint  Bangkok : Stock Exchange of Thailand, 2004
 Physical  158 p
 Subject  Accounting Same subject(258)
  Accounting -- Standards Same subject(25)
  Faculty of Business Administration -- Accounting Same subject(388)
  Faculty of Business Administration -- Finance and Banking Same subject(320)
  Faculty of Business Administration -- International Business Management Same subject(205)
 Added Entry  The Stock Exchange of Thailand Same author(40)
 Price  250
 Group  Reference
 Location  oCentral Library - 2nd floor - Reference Room 
M0081190 สำนักหอสมุด หนังสือทั่วไป Available R 657.0218593 A163 2004  
M0081191 สำนักหอสมุด หนังสือทั่วไป Available R 657.0218593 A163 2004 c.2  
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