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Book 1 - 16 of 951
Row Call Number Heading
1 o[no title]
2 o[no title]
3 R 643.703 P831 1982 V1 o[no title]
4 R 643.705 P831 1984 o[no title]
5 R 643.705 P831 1985 o[no title]
6 621.4021076 L728T 1989 o2000 solved problems in mechanical engineering thermodynamics / Peter E. Liley
7 006.693 G136T 2011 o3D automotive modeling : an insider’s guide to 3D car modeling and design for games and film /
8 629.2 N534P 2005 oA practical approach to motor vehicle engineering and maintenance / Derek Newbold, Allan Bonnic
9 620.106 R161T 2014 oA textbook of fluid mechanics and hydraulic machines in SI units / R.K. Rajput
10 621.815 K45T 2014 oA textbook of machine design S.I. units / R.S. Khurmi, J.K. Gupta
11 621 R161T 2014 oA textbook of mechatronics : for engineering students of B. Tech/B.E. Courses / R.K. Rajput
12 621.56 K45T 2014 oA textbook of refrigeration and air conditioning / R.S. Khurni, J.K. Gupta
13 621.56 M671T 1985 oA textbook of refrigeration and airconditioning engineering / L.N. Misra
14 629.246 A164 1990 oABS traction control and brake components : SP-815
15 620.3 A244 2004 oAdvanced applications in acoustics, noise and vibration / Frank Fahy, John Wolker, editors
16 629.2538 A244 2004 oAdvanced developmenets in ultra-clean gasoline-powered vehicles / Fuquan (Frank) Zhao, editor

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