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Book 1 - 5 of 5
Row Call Number Heading
1 005.72 B862P 2000 oProfessional Visual Basic 6 XML / James Britt, Teun Duynstee
2 005.268 M448S 1998 oSams teach yourself more visual basic 6 in 21 days / Lowell Mauer
3 CD 005.268 P463S 1998 oSams teach yourself visual basic 6 in 24 hours [CD-ROM] / Sanjaya Hettihewa, Greg Perry
4 005.268 P463S 1998 oSams teach yourself Visual Basic 6 in 24 hours / Greg Perry, Sanjaya Hettihewa
5 CD 00482 2547 o[ไมโครซอฟต์วิชั่ลเบสิก 6] Microsoft Visual Basic 6 : sample source vol.1 [ซีดี-รอม]

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