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Book 1 - 7 of 7
Row Call Number Heading
1 511 M251D 2004 oDiscrete mathematical structures : theory and applications / D. D. Malik, M. K. Sen
2 Journal 658 oIEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence
3 511.35 G578I 2008 oIntroducing the theory of computation / Wayne Goddard
4 629.892 S217R 1991 oRobotics : designing the mechanisms for automated machinery / Ben-Zion Sandler
5 511.5 S797 2012 oStatistical and machine learning approaches for network analysis / Matthias Dehmer, Subhash C.
6 511 W6 1987 oTheory of computation 0-06-047208-1
7 511.3 B873T 1989 oTheory of computation : formal languages, automata, and complexity / J. Glenn Brooksheart

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