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Book 1 - 16 of 20
Row Call Number Heading
1 371.0712 C363 2000 oCatholic school leadership : an invitation to lead / Thomas Hunt, Thomas Oldenski, Theodore J.
2 371.200973 K88C 2003 oContemporary school administration : an introduction / Theodore J. Kowalski
3 371.2 R292R 1985 oEducational administration : a management approach / Ronald W. Rebore
4 371.200973 L962E 2008 oEducational administration : concepts and practices / Fred C. Lunenburg, Allan C. Ornstein
5 371.200973 L962E 2000 oEducational administration : concepts and practices / Fred C. Lunenburg, Allan C. Ornstein
6 371.200973 L962E 2004 oEducational administration : concepts and practices / Fred C. Lunenburg, Allan C. Ornstein
7 371.200973 H867E 2005 oEducational administration : theory, research, and practice / Wayne K. Hoy, Cecil G. Miskel
8 371.200973 H867E 2001 oEducational administration : theory, research, and practice / Wayne K. Hoy, Cecil G. Miskel
9 371.200973 S484E 2004 oEducational governance and administration / Thomas J. Sergiovanni...[et al.]
10 371.200973 H236 1999 oHandbook of research on educational administration : a project of the American Educational Resea
11 371.201 S519H 2005 oHuman resources management for effective schools / John T. Seyfarth
12 371.2 O97O 2001 oOrganizational behavior in education : instructional leadership and school reform / Robert G. O
13 371.102 M996R 1998 oRe-creating schools : places where everyone learns and likes it / Charles B. Myers, Douglas J.
14 371.2 S484S 1993 oSupervision : a redefinition / Thomas J. Sergiovanni, Robert J. Starratt
15 371.200973 C456 2002 oThe changing world of school administration/ Greorge Perreault, Fred C. Lunenburg, editors
16 371.2011 C761 2005 oThe contemporary superintendent : preparation, practice, and development / Lars G. Bjork, Theod

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