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Book 1 - 20 of 22
Row Call Number Heading
1 Fic R884H 1999 oHarry potter and the chamber of secrets / J. K. Rowling
2 Fic R884H 1998 oHarry potter and the chamber of secrets / J. K. Rowling
3 Fic R884H 2007 oHarry Potter and the deathly hallows / J. K. Rowling
4 Fic R884H 2000 oHarry potter and the goblet of fire / J.K. Rowling
5 Fic R884H 2005 oHarry potter and the half-blood prince/ J.K. Rowling
6 Fic R884H 2003 oHarry potter and the order of the phoenix / J. K. Rowling
7 Fic R884H 2010 oHarry Potter and the philosopher's stone / J. K. Rowling
8 Fic R884H 1999 oHarry potter and the prisoner of Azkaban / J.K. Rowling
9 Fic R884H 1998 oHarry potter and the sorcerer's stone / J. K. Rowling
10 Fic D441L 2001 oLe Petit Prince / Antoine De Saint - Exupery
11 Fic V629P 2000 oPocahontas / Tim Vicary, retold
12 Fic L673P 1994 oPrince caspian / C. S. Lewis
13 Fic L673H 1994 oThe horse and his boy / C. S. Lewis
14 Fic L673L 1994 oThe last battle / C. S. Lewis
15 Fic L673L 1994 oThe lion, the witch and the wardrobe / C. S. Lewis
16 Fic D441L D441L 2000 oThe little prince and letter to a hostage / Antoine de Saint-Exupery ; translated by T.V.F. Cuf
17 Fic L673M 1994 oThe magician's nephew / C. S. Lewis
18 Fic T349R 1999 oThe return of the king / J.R. R. Tolkien
19 FIC T649R 1999 oThe return of the king / J.R. R. Tolkien
20 Fic L673S 1994 oThe silver chair / C. S. Lewis

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