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Book 1 - 35 of 35
Row Call Number Heading
1 624.068 C647C 1994 oConstruction contracting / Richard H. Clough, Glenn Sears
2 343.078624 M974C 1992 oConstruction contracts : law and management / John Murdoch, Will Hughes
3 343.078624 M974C 1993 oConstruction contracts : law and management / John Murdoch, Will Hughes
4 338.47624 M996C 2004 oConstruction economics : a new approach / Danny Myers
5 690.0284 S313C 1999 oConstruction equipment management / John E. Schaufelberger
6 690.068 M663C 1998 oConstruction Jobsite management / Willam R. Mincks
7 624.068 H195C 1998 oConstruction management / Daniel W. Halpin
8 690.068 E48C 2011 oConstruction management for industrial projects : a modular guide for project managers / Mohame
9 624.068 M145C 1997 oConstruction management : new directions / Denny McGeorge, Angela Palmer
10 690.028 I29C 2000 oConstruction methods and planning / J. R. Illingworth
11 624.028 G851C 2000 oConstruction planning for engineers / F.H. (Bud) Griffis, John V. Farr ; M. D. Morris
12 624.068 F538C 2000 oConstruction project administration / Edward R. Fisk
13 624.068 K98C 1997 oConstruction project administration in practice / A.A. Kwakye
14 624.0685 C156C 1992 oConstruction project scheduling / Michael T. Callahan, Daniel G. Quackenbush
15 690 G552C 2008 oContractor’s guide to green building construction : management, project delivery, documentation,
16 624 N972C 1998 oContruction mothods and management / S. W. Nunnally
17 624 N972C 1993 oContruction mothods and management / S. W. Nunnally
18 690.0681 A831C 1999 oCost studies of building / Allan Ashworth
19 CD 690.068 O13C 2006 oCPM in construction management [CD-ROM] / James J. O'Brien, Fredric L. Plotnick
20 690.068 O13C 2006 oCPM in construction management / James J. O'Brien, Fredric L. Plotnick
21 658.404 E57 2008 oEngineering project management / Nigel J. Smith, editor
22 o he
23 Journal 620 oJournal of construction engineering and management
24 338.47624 M266 1992 oManagement development in the construction industry : guidelines for the professional engineer
25 624.068 L399M 1996 oManagement for the construction industry / Stephen Lavender
26 oNature of organizing in construction industry : one of the barries to total quality management (
27 692.5 W734P 1994 oPractice and procedure for the quantity surveyor / Christopher J. Willis, Allan Ashworth, J. An
28 624.068 B275P 1992 oProfessional construction management : including C.M., design-construct, and general contracting
29 690.0681 P637P 1994 oProject cost control in construction / Roy Pilcher
30 658.404 W177P 1996 oProject management in construction / Anthony Walker
31 658.404 W177P 2007 oProject management in construction / Anthony Walker
32 692.068 P964 1999 oProject management of multiple projects and contracts / Jack Loftus, editor
33 624.068 T289C 1985 oThe construction management process / Kwaku A. Tenah
34 624.068 R615T 1994 oTotal construction project management / George J. Ritz
35 620.0045 H476T 1993 oTotal quality in construction projects : achieving profitability with customer satisfaction / R

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