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Book 1 - 13 of 13
Row Call Number Heading
1 006.31 R729F 2012 oA first course in machine learning / Simon Rogers, Mark Girolami
2 006.31 A584A 2013 oAutonomous learning systems : from data streams to knowledge in real-time / Plamen Angelov
3 519.542 K84B 2004 oBayesian artificial intelligence / Ann E. Nicholson
4 519.542 K84B 2011 oBayesian artificial intelligence / Ann E. Nicholson
5 006.31 B944G 2019 oGenetic algorithms and machine learning for programmers : create AI models and evolve solutions
6 Journal 658 oIEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence
7 519.542 N353L 2004 oLearning bayesian networks / Richard E. Neapolitan
8 006.31 C521L 1998 oLearning from data : concepts, theory, and methods / Vladimir Cherkassky, Filip Mulier
9 006.31 C521L 2007 oLearning from data : concepts, theory, and methods / Vladimir Cherkassky, Filip Mulier
10 370.1523 L438 1999 oLearning sites : social and technological resources for learning / Joan Bliss, Paul Light, Roge
11 006.31 R966M 2018 oMachine learning step-by-step guide to implement machine learning algorithms with Python / Rudo
12 006.696 Y94M 2013 oModern machine learning techniques and their applications in cartoon animation research / Jun Y
13 006.32 A266N 2023 oNeural networks and deep learning : a textbook / Charu C. Aggarwal

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