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Book 1 - 7 of 7
Row Call Number Heading
1 384.540941 C932I 1997 oAn introductory history of British broadcasting / Andrew Crisell
2 791.443 H376A 2000 oAnnouncing : broadcast communicating today / Carl Hausman, Lewis B. O'Donnell,Philip Benoit
3 791.443 H376A 1987 oAnnouncing : broadcast communicating today / Lewis B. O'Donnell, Carl Hausman, Philip Benoit
4 621.382 B863 2006 oBroadcasting and optical communication technology / Richard C. Dorf, edotpr
5 Journal 658 oIEEE transactions on broadcasting
6 Journal 700 oJournal of broadcasting & electronic media
7 384.54 C9 1991 oManaging electronic media 0-240-80072-9

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