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Book 1 - 9 of 9
Row Call Number Heading
1 R 791.4334 M123F 2008 o500 essential anime movies : the ultimate guide / Helen McCarthy
2 CD 791.4334 C826H 2004 oHollwood 2D digital animation : the new flash production revolution [CD-ROM] / Sandro Corsaro,
3 791.4334 C826H 2004 oHollwood 2D digital animation : the new flash production revolution / Sandro Corsaro, Clifford
4 DVD 00121 M 2009 oIce age 3 : dawn of the Dinosaurs [DVD]
5 791.4334 W763P 2001 oProducing animation / Catherine Winder, Zahra Dowlatabadi
6 CD 791.4334 S595P 2003 oProducing independent 2D character animation : making and selling a short film [CD-ROM] / Mark
7 791.4334 S595P 2003 oProducing independent 2D character animation : making and selling a short film / Mark Simon
8 R 778.5347 W726A 2001 oThe animator's survival kit : a manual of methods, principles and formulas for classical, comput
9 DVD 00122 M 2008 oWall-E [DVD]

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