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Book 1 - 12 of 12
Row Call Number Heading
1 332.6 G4 1982 oA guide to the financial markets 0-333-37653-6
2 332.45 I61 1999 oAn introduction to foreign exchange and money markets
3 332.1 M183F 2010 oFinancial institutions and markets / Jeff Madura
4 332.1 M678F 1998 oFinancial markets and institutions / Frederic S. Mishkin, Stanley G. Eakins
5 332.1 M183F 2001 oFinancial markets and institutions / Jeff Madura
6 332.1 M678F 2003 oFinancial markets and institutions / Mishkin, Frederic S
7 Journal 650 oInflation report of Thailand
8 332 S428M 1995 oMoney, financial markets, and the economy / Robert Haney Scott
9 oMoney market integration
10 332.4 E4 1992 oOne market one money : an evaluation of the potential benefits and costs of forming and economic
11 Journal 650 oSmall business opportunities
12 332.632 C545G 2004 oThe global repo markets : instruments and applications / Moorad Choudhry

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