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Book 1 - 20 of 20
Row Call Number Heading
1 659.1 816A 1983 oAdvertising and sales promotion : cost-effective techniques for your small business / William H
2 658 M578B 2002 oBusiness today / Michael H Mescon,Courtland L. Bovee, John V. Thill
3 658.421 K96E 1995 oEntrepreneurship : a contemporary approach / Donald F. Kuratko, Richard M. Hodgetts
4 330.900112 N158G 1994 oGlobal paradox : the bigger the world economy, the more powerful its smallest players / John Na
5 659 L665G 1993 oGuerrilla P.R. : how you can wage an effective publicity campain...without going broke / Michae
6 P 658.8 J89I 2009 oIntegration marketing : how small businesses become big businesses--and big businesses become em
7 658 S326I 2010 oIntroduction to management / John R. Schermerhorn, Jr
8 658 S326I 2011 oIntroduction to management / John R. Schermerhorn, Jr
9 oMultimedia mba : small business [cd-rom]
10 658.11 A427N 2010 oNew venture creation : an entrepreneurial approach / Kathleen R. Allen
11 oservice qualivice - winning edge for smes
12 658.022 S621S 1994 oSmall business management : a guide to entrepreneurship / Nicholas Siropolis
13 Journal 650 oSmall business opportunities
14 oSmall to medium size enterprises : will they survive?
15 658.848 A972D 1989 oThe do's and taboos of international trade : a small business primer / Roger E. Axtel
16 658.022 P927 1993 oThe Prentice Hall small business survival guide : a blueprint for success
17 CD 025.04 L481T 2000 oThe top 200 web sites for small business [CD-ROM] / Sarah Lee
18 025.04 L481T 2000 oThe top 200 web sites for small business / Sarah Lee
19 338.4791 T727 2005 oTourism sMES, service quality and destination competitiveness / Eleri Jones, Claire Haven-Tang,
20 658.022 D337W 1984 oWhy small businesses fail-don't make the same mistake once / William A. Delaney

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