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Book 1 - 57 of 57
Row Call Number Heading
1 658.8068 D228B 2000 oBasic marketing management / Douglas J. Darymple, Leonard J. Parsons
2 658.8 B828 2000 oBreaking compromises : opportunities for action in consumer markets from the Boston consulting g
3 658.848 S387C 2000 oCommunicating globally : an integrated marketing approach / Don E. Schultz, Philip J. Kitchen
4 382.9143 G443D 1994 oDoing business in the European Union / Paul Gibbs
5 658.84809597 E57D 1995 oDoing business in the new Vietnam / Christopher Engholm
6 658.848 B816E 1990 oElements of export marketing and management / Alan E. Branch
7 oExport-oriented industrialisation strategy with land-abundance some of thailand's shortcomings
8 658.848 B816E 2002 oExport practice and management / Alan E. Branch
9 658.848 B816E 1994 oExport practice and management / Alan E. Branch
10 R 658 S792F 1981 V7 oFundamentals of marketing [reference]
11 658.84 G478G 2007 oGlobal marketing / Kate Gillespie, Jean-Pierre Jeannett, H. David Hennessey
12 658.84 H737G 2017 oGlobal marketing / Svend Hollensen
13 658.848 K26G 2015 oGlobal marketing / Warren J. Keegan, Mark C. Green
14 658.049 I61 2002 oInternational business : emerging issues and emerging markets / Carla C. J.M. Millar, Robert M.
15 332.45 L4 1991 oInternational capital markets developments and prospeets / Alessandro Leipold 1991
16 658.848 S158I 1990 oInternational marketing : analysis and strategy / Sak Onkvisit, John J. Shaw
17 658.848 S158I 1997 oInternational marketing : analysis and strategy / Sak Onkvisit, John J. Shaw
18 658.848 S158I 1993 oInternational marketing : analysis and strategy / Sak Onkvisit, John J. Shaw
19 658.848 S158I 2004 oInternational marketing : analysis and strategy / Sak Onkvisit, John J. Shaw
20 658.848 A327I 1994 oInternational marketing and export management / Gerald Albaum...[et al.]
21 658.848 A327I 1989 oInternational marketing and export management / Gerald Albaum...[et al.]
22 658.848 A327I 2002 oInternational marketing and export management / Gerald Albaum, Jesper Strandskov, Edwin Duerr
23 CD 658.848 C359I 2005 oInternational marketing [CD-ROM] / Philip R. Cateora, John L. Graham
24 658.848 B111I 2013 oInternational marketing / Daniel W. Baack, Eric G. Harris, Donald Baack
25 658.848 J25I 1996 oInternational marketing management / Subhash C. Jain
26 658.848 J25I 1990 oInternational marketing management / Subhash C. Jain
27 658.848 C998I 2002 oInternational marketing / Michael R. Czinkota, Ilkka A. Ronkainen
28 658.848 C998 I 2002 oInternational marketing / Michael R. Czinkota, Ilkka A. Ronkainen
29 658.848 C998I 1993 oInternational marketing / Michael R. Czinkota, Ilkka A. Ronkainen
30 658.848 C998I 1995 oInternational marketing / Michael R. Czinkota, Ilkka A. Ronkainen
31 658.848 C998I 2004 oInternational marketing / Michael R. Czinkota, Ilkka A. Ronkainen
32 658.848 C998I 1990 oInternational marketing / Michael R. Czinkota, Ilkka A. Ronkainen
33 658.848 C998I 1998 oInternational marketing / Michael R. Czinkota, Ilkka A. Ronkainen
34 658.848 O54I 2009 oInternational marketing / Ogenyi Omar
35 658.848 C359I 1993 oInternational marketing / Philip R. Cateora
36 658.848 C359I 1997 oInternational marketing / Philip R. Cateora
37 658.848 C359I 2010 oInternational marketing / Philip R. Cateora
38 658.848 C359I 1990 oInternational marketing / Philip R. Cateora
39 658.848 C359I 1996 oInternational marketing / Philip R. Cateora
40 658.848 C359I 2008 oInternational marketing / Philip R. Cateora, John L. Graham
41 658.848 C359I 2005 oInternational marketing / Philip R. Cateora, John L. Graham
42 658.848 C375I 2007 oInternational marketing / Philip R. Cateora, John L. Graham
43 658.848 C375 2009 oInternational marketing / Philip R. Cateora, Mary C. Gilly, John L. Graham.
44 658.848 C359I 2020 oInternational marketing / Philip R. Cateora, R. Bruce Money, Mary C. Gilly, John L. Graham.
45 658.848 P162I 1986 oInternational marketing / Stanley J. Paliwoda
46 658.848 P558I 1994 oInternational marketing strategy : analysis, development and implementation / Chris Phillips, I
47 658.848 F469I 1995 oInternational marketing strategy / Paul Fifield, Keith Lewis
48 658.848 T322I 1997 oInternational marketing / Vern Terpstra, Ravi Sarathy
49 658.848 T332I 2000 oInternational marketing / Vern Terpstra, Ravi Sarathy
50 Journal 650 oJournal of international marketing
51 658.848 C8 1988 oMarketing in the international environment (2nd edition) 0-13-551391-x
52 658.8 E85M 1997 oMarketing / Michael Etzel, Bruce J. Walker, William J. Stanton
53 oParameter approach for analyzing the simultaneous devaluation on disaggregated exports
54 658.848 C998P 2010 oPrinciples of international marketing / Michael R. Czinkota R. , Ilkka A. Ronkainen
55 658.848 N817C 1999 oThe CIM handbook of export marketing : a practical guide to opening and expanding markets overse
56 658.18 I61 1993 oThe internationalization of the firm : a reader / Peter J. Buckley, Pervez N. Chauri, editors
57 658.848 H624P 1985 oThe principles and practice of export marketing / E. P. Hibbert

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