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Book 1 - 20 of 3979
Row Call Number Heading
1 331.702 F456O 1992 o100 best careers for the year 2000 / Shelly Field
2 658.403 N147O 1992 o100 Management charts / Soichiro Nagashima
3 658.31244 V253O 2005 o101 aactivities for teaching creativity and problem solving / Arthur VanGundy
4 658.00952 A138T 2006 o21st century Japanese management / James C. Abegglen
5 658 W329T 1991 o21st century management : keeping ahead of the Japanese and Chinese / Dan Waters
6 658.82 G454T 2000 o222 ways to promote your small business on a budget / Ron E. Gielgun
7 Lit 118 o2589 : เราเพียงผู้มาเยือน / เชตวัน เตือประโคน
8 658.812 H529F 2010 o5 star service : how to deliver exceptional customer service / Michael Heppell
9 641.21 V369F 2017 o501 must-drink cocktails / Sarah Vaughan
10 Lit 61 o51 คำถาม เรียนรู้เศรษฐศาสตร์ใกล้ตัว / ลี ซาน เคียว
11 346.73052 K89S 2006 o60-minute estate planner : fast and easy plans for saving taxes, avoiding probate, and maximiz
12 650.0285516 C886B 1998 oA business guide to the year 2000 : how to tackle the millennium bug / Lynn Craig, Mike Kusmir
13 658.812 K62C 2008 oA comprehensive framework for the adoption of techno-relationship innovations : empirical eviden
14 519.5 M537C 1988 oA course in business statistics / William Mendenhall
15 CD 530.02855117 Y48F 2005 oA First course in computational physics and object-oriented programming with C++ [CD-ROM] / Dav
16 332.45 S524F 2008 oA foreign exchange primer / Shani Shamah
17 657.071 C146F 1996 oA framework for encouraging effective teaching / Thomas G. Calderon, Alexander L. Gabbin, Brian
18 658.8 K87F 2001 oA framework for marketing management / Philip Kotler
19 332.45 W185G 1981 oA guide for using the foreign exchange market / Townsend Walker
20 651.75 N176G 1992 oA guide to business and social letters / Milon Nandy

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