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Book 1 - 6 of 6
Row Call Number Heading
1 370.07 O74I 1985 oAn introduction to the foundations of education / Allan C. Ornstein
2 370.07 O7 1985 oAn introduction to the foundations of education / Allan C. Ornstein
3 375.001 O74C 2018 oCurriculum : foundations, principles, and issues / Allan C. Ornstein, Francis P. Hunkins
4 371.200973 L962E 2000 oEducational administration : concepts and practices / Fred C. Lunenburg, Allan C. Ornstein
5 371.200973 L962E 2004 oEducational administration : concepts and practices / Fred C. Lunenburg, Allan C. Ornstein
6 371.200973 L962E 2008 oEducational administration : concepts and practices / Fred C. Lunenburg, Allan C. Ornstein

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