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 Accession No.  M0125063
 ISBN  9789812569103
 Call Number  337.159 P982A 2009
 Author  Plummer, Michael G Same author(2)
 Title  ASEAN economic integration : trade, foreign direct investment, and finance / Michael G. Plummer
 Imprint  Singapore : World Scientific Publishing, 2009
 Physical  ix, 343 p : ill
 Series  Advanced research in Asian economic studies ; v6
 Subject  ASEAN Same subject(30)
  Economic development -- Southeast Asia
  Investments, Foreign -- Southeast Asia
  Southeast Asia -- Economic integration Same subject(7)
  Southeast Asia -- Foreign economic relations Same subject(5)
 สาขาวิชา  Graduate School -- Master of Arts in Peace Studies and Diplomacy Same subject(80)
 URL Object  oตัวอย่างหน้าปก
 Price  3,735
 Group  General
 Location  oCentral Library - 2nd floor 
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