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 Accession No.  M0059120
 ISBN  0321068661
 Call Number  540.076 M148P 2002
 Author  McGuire, Saundra Yancy
 Title  Problem solving guide and workbook : problem solving flowcharts, examples and practice problems for developing problem solving skills for introductory chemistry / Saundra Yancy, Steve Russo, Mike Silver
 Edition  2nd ed
 Imprint  San Francisco Benjamin/Cummings, 2002
 Physical  vii, 243 p : ill
 Subject  Atomic theory -- Problems, exercises, etc
  Chemistry -- Problems, exercises, etc Same subject(3)
  Nuclear chemistry -- Problems, exercises, etc
  Chemistry Same subject(117)
 สาขาวิชา  Faculty of Engineering Same subject(2738)
  Faculty of Nursing Same subject(2754)
  Faculty of Pharmacy Same subject(1718)
  Faculty of Science -- Food Technology Same subject(850)
 Added Entry  Russo, Steve Same author(3)
  Silver, Mike Same author(3)
 Added Title  Introductory chemistry problem solving guide and workbook
 Price  3,934
 Group  General
 Location  oCentral Library - 2nd floor 
M0059120 สำนักหอสมุด General Available 540.076 M148P 2002  
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