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Rec.Status  n Bib.Stage  Normal Create  bat Modify  ORACHORN
Rec.Type  a Language   Entry d.  2007/06/14 Update d.  2007/09/04
Bib.Level  m Pub Ctry.   Date1  0 Date2  0
Tag Ind Content
082##R 643.703 P831 1982 V1
082##R 643.703 P831 1982 V10
082##R 643.703 P831 1982 V11
082##R 643.703 P831 1982 V12
082##R 643.703 P831 1982 V13
082##R 643.703 P831 1982 V14
082##R 643.703 P831 1982 V15
082##R 643.703 P831 1982 V16
082##R 643.703 P831 1982 V17
082##R 643.703 P831 1982 V18
082##R 643.703 P831 1982 V19
082##R 643.703 P831 1982 V2
082##R 643.703 P831 1982 V20
082##R 643.703 P831 1982 V3
082##R 643.703 P831 1982 V4
082##R 643.703 P831 1982 V5
082##R 643.703 P831 1982 V6
082##R 643.703 P831 1982 V7
082##R 643.703 P831 1982 V8
082##R 643.703 P831 1982 V9
246##Do-it-yourself encyclopedia
300##20 v : Ill
650##Automobiles \xMaintenance and Repair \xAmateurs' Manuals
650##Dwellings \xMaintenance and Repair \xAmateurs' Manuals
650##Dwellings \xRemodeling For Other Use
650##Radio \xMaintenance and Repair \xAmateurs' Manuals
650##Television \xMaintenance and Repair \xAmateurs' Manuals
690##Faculty of Engineering \xElectrical Engineering
690##Faculty of Engineering \xElectronic Engineering
690##Faculty of Engineering \xMechanical Engineering
690##General Study
700##Hicks, Clifford B
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