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 ISSN  1094-608X
 Call Number  Bound Journal
 Title  Journal of convention & exhibition management
 Imprint  New York The haworth hospitality press 1999
 Note  This journal has been replaced by "Journal of Convention & Event Tourism (From V.6,2004 on)"
 Subject  Convention facilities Same subject(6)
  Exhibitions Same subject(3)
  Tourism -- Management Same subject(16)
 สาขาวิชา  Faculty of Liberal Arts -- Hotel Studies and Tourism Same subject(1074)
 Holding  v.3 no.1-4 (2001-2002)/v.4 no.1-2 (2002)/v.5 no.1-2 (2003)-
 URL Object  o
 Group  Bound Journal
 Location  oPeriodical Division 
 Type of content  Convention & exhibition management
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