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 Accession No.  M0099444
 ISBN  9780763738587
 Call Number  610.730711 O18C 2006
 Author  O’Connor, Andrea B
 Title  Clinical instruction and evaluation : a teaching resource / Andrea B. O’Connor
 Edition  2nd ed
 Imprint  Sudbury, MA : Jones and Bartlett, 2006
 Physical  xii, 369 p : ill
 Subject  Nursing -- Study and teaching Same subject(16)
  Clinical medicine -- Study and teaching
  Education, Nursing -- Methods Same subject(4)
  Clinical competence -- Nurses’ instruction
  Teaching -- Nurses’ instruction
 ÊÒ¢ÒÇÔªÒ  Faculty of Nursing Same subject(2756)
 URL Object  µÑÇÍÂèҧ˹éÒ»¡
 Price  1,665
 Group  General
 Location  oCentral Library - 2nd floor 
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