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 Accession No.  M0096753
 ISBN  -
 Call Number  428.0076 L887S 2003
 Author  Lougheed, Lin Same author(38)
 Title  600 essential words for the TOEIC test : test of english for international communication / Lin Lougheed
 Edition  -
 Imprint  : Barron's, 2003 2003
 Physical  -
 Subject  Communication, International -- Examinations -- Study guides Same subject(5)
  English language -- Business English -- Examinations -- Study guides Same subject(18)
  Test of English for International Communication -- Study guides Same subject(62)
  TOEIC Same subject(53)
  English language -- Textbooks for foreign speakers Same subject(539)
 สาขาวิชา  Faculty of Liberal Arts Same subject(655)
  Graduate School Same subject(2579)
  International Program Same subject(440)
  General Study Same subject(3412)
 Price  -
 Group  General
 Location  oCentral Library - 2nd floor 
M0096753 สำนักหอสมุด General Available 428.0076 L887S 2003  
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