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 Accession No.  M0095959
 ISBN  0-07-146540-5
 Language  Eng
 Call Number  616.025 M232C 2006
 Author  Maithel, Shishir Kumar
 Title  Critical care quick glance : physiology and management / Shishir Kumar Maithel, Jonathan F. Critchlow
 Imprint  New York : Mcgraw-Hill, 2006
 Physical  x, 242 p : ill
 Series  Mcgraw-Hill specialty board review
 Subject  Critical care medicine Same subject(11)
  Emergencies Same subject(14)
  Intensive care nursing Same subject(21)
  Physiology Same subject(34)
 สาขาวิชา  Faculty of Nursing Same subject(2756)
 Added Entry  Critchlow, Jonathan F
 Price  1,285
 Group  General
M0095959 สำนักหอสมุด General Available 616.025 M232C 2006  
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