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 Accession No.  M0095979 c1
  M0097326 c2
 Call Number  RH 332.09593 P668D 2006
 Author  Piriya Pholphirul Same author(4)
 Title  Domestic financial architecture, macreoeconomic volatility, and institutions : experiences from Thailand's financial crises / Piriya Pholphirul, Pakorn Vichyanond
 Imprint  Bangkok : Thailand Development Research Institute, 2006
 Physical  iii, 52 Leaves
 Subject  Research Same subject(38)
  Financial -- Thailand
  Financial institution -- Thailand
 สาขาวิชา  Faculty of Business Administration Same subject(3055)
  Faculty of Business Administration -- International Business Management Same subject(205)
 Added Entry  Pakorn Vichyanond Same author(2)
 Price  Gift
 Group  Research
 Location  oCentral Library - 3rd floor  
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