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 Accession No.  M0079924 c1
  M0086752 c2
 ISBN  0749440333
 Call Number  658.406 C771C 2004
 Author  Cook, Sarah Same author(3)
 Title  Chang management excellence : using the four intelligences for successful orgnaizational change / SarahCook , Steve Macaulay, Hilary Coldicott
 Imprint  London : Kogan Page, 2004
 Physical  vill, 230 p : ill
 Subject  Organizational change Same subject(118)
 สาขาวิชา  Faculty of Business Administration Same subject(3201)
  Graduate School -- Master of Business Administration Same subject(3989)
  International Program -- Business Management Same subject(4370)
 Added Entry  Coldicott, Hilary
  Macaulay, Steve Same author(2)
 Price  1,250
 Group  General
 Location  oCentral Library - 2nd floor 
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