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 Accession No.  M0060416 c1
  M0060417 c2
  M0060418 c3
  M0060419 c4
  M0060420 c5
 ISBN  1578516005
 Call Number  P 658.8 K87M 2002
 Author  Kotler, Philip Same author(73)
 Title  Marketing moves : a new approach to profits, growth, and renewal / Philip Kotler, Dipak C. Jain, Suvit, Maesince
 Imprint  Boston : HBS Press, 2002
 Physical  xii, 193 p
 Subject  Marketing Same subject(271)
  Marketing -- Management Same subject(139)
  Telemarketing Same subject(6)
 Added Entry  Suvit Maesincee Same author(2)
  Jain, Dipak C
 Group  Pocket Book
 Location  oCentral Library - 3rd floor - Pocket Book Shelf 
Copyright: Book Promotion and Service Co., Ltd.
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