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 Language  Eng
 Title  Follow me 2 [video cassette]
 Imprint  London British Broadcasting Corporation 1980
 Subject  Audio-visual materials Same subject(679)
  English language Same subject(415)
  English language -- Conversation and phrase books Same subject(252)
  English language -- Spoken English Same subject(241)
  English language -- Usage Same subject(423)
  Video tapes Same subject(862)
 สาขาวิชา  Faculty of Liberal Arts -- English Business Communication -- VDO Same subject(34)
  Faculty of Liberal Arts -- Hotel Studies and Tourism -- VDO Same subject(75)
  International Program -- Business Management -- VDO Same subject(34)
  International Program -- Hotel and Tourism Management xVDO Same subject(4)
 Group  VDO
Copyright: Book Promotion and Service Co., Ltd.
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