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Rec.Status  n Bib.Stage  Normal Create  bat Modify  naowarat
Rec.Type  a Language  eng Entry d.  2007/06/15 Update d.  2009/08/05
Bib.Level  m Pub Ctry.   Date1  1989 Date2  0
Tag Ind Content
082##TC 00405 M 1989 v2 t1
082##TC 00405 M 1989 v2 t2
082##TC 00405 M 1989 v2 t3
082##TC 00405 1989 v2 t1
082##TC 00405 1989 v2 t2
082##TC 00405 1989 v2 t3
100##Graves, Kathleen
100##Rein, David P
245##East west 2 [Tape Cassette]
260##Oxford : \bOxford University Press, \c1989
650##English language
650##English language \xTextbooks For Foreign Speakers
690##Faculty of Liberal Arts \xEnglish Business Communication
690##Faculty of Liberal Arts \xHotel Studies and Tourism
690##Graduate School \xMaster of Arts in Communication Arts
690##International Program \xBusiness Management
690##International Program \xHotel and Tourism Management
930##Tape Cassette
970##Pornpit Ongsattha
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