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 ISSN  1050-7051
 Language  Eng
 Call Number  Journal 900
 Author  Knutson, Bonnie J.
 Title  Journal of hospitality marketing & management
 Note  This journal has been replaced from "Journal of hospitality & leisure marketing" (From V.18,2009 on)
 Subject  Hospitality -- Management Same subject(26)
  Leisure -- Marketing Same subject(3)
  Liberal Arts -- Journal Same subject(31)
  Journal -- Liberal Arts Same subject(32)
  Faculty of Liberal Arts -- Hotel Studies and Tourism -- Journal Same subject(18)
 สาขาวิชา  Printed Same subject(320)
  Faculty of Liberal Arts -- Journal Same subject(27)
 Holding  15,1(2006)/15,2(2006)/15,3(2006)/15,4(2006)/17,1-2(2008)/17,3-4(2008)
  22,1-2(2013)/22,3-4(2013)/22,5-6(2013)/22,7-8(2013)/23,1-2(2014)/23,3-4(2014)/23,5-6(2014)/23,7-8(2014)/24,1-2(2015)/24,3-4(2015)/24,5-6(2015)/24,7-8(2015)/Not Renew 2016 (สน 0304/032 ลว 09/02/2559)
 Group  Journal
 Location  oPeriodical Division 
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