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 ISSN  0021-9916
 Language  Eng
 Call Number  Journal 700
 Title  Journal of Communication
 Imprint  District of Columbia : International Communication Association, 1950
 Subject  Communication Same subject(101)
  Communication Arts -- Journal Same subject(22)
  Journal -- Communication Arts Same subject(21)
 สาขาวิชา  Faculty of Communication Arts -- Journal Same subject(21)
  Faculty of Communication Arts -- Advertising -- Journal Same subject(18)
  Faculty of Communication Arts -- Newspaper and Publications -- Journal Same subject(18)
  Faculty of Communication Arts -- Public Relations -- Journal Same subject(20)
  Graduate School -- Master of Arts in Communication Arts -- Journal Same subject(17)
  Printed Same subject(320)
 Holding  57,1(Jan2007)/57,2(Jun2007)/57,3(Sep2007)/57,4(Dec2007)/58,1(Mar2008)(C2)/58,2(Jun2008)
 Group  Bound Journal
 Location  oPeriodical Division 
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