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 ISSN  1347-4421
 Language  Eng
 Call Number  Journal 500
 Author  J.b. Griffiths
 Title  Journal of bioscience and bioengineering
 Subject  Biotechnology Same subject(28)
  Science -- Journal Same subject(19)
  Journal -- Science Same subject(20)
 สาขาวิชา  Faculty of Science -- Journal Same subject(18)
  Faculty of Science -- Food Technology -- Journal Same subject(15)
  Printed Same subject(320)
 Holding  103,1(Jan2007)/103,2(Feb2007)/103,3(Mar2007)/103,4(Apr2007)/103,5(May2007)/103,6(Jun2007)/
 URL Object  oJournal of bioscience and bioengineering
 Group  Journal
 Location  oPeriodical Division 
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