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 Accession No.  M0039051
 ISBN  9812341773
 Call Number  914.1704 I65 1999
 Title  Ireland / Brian Bell, Thomas Kelly, Geray Sweeney, editors
 Imprint  Singapore : APA, 1999
 Physical  382 p : ill
 Subject  Ireland Same subject(2)
  Ireland -- Description and travel Same subject(3)
  Ireland -- Description and travel -- Guidebooks Same subject(3)
  Ireland -- History
  Ireland -- Social life and customs Same subject(2)
 สาขาวิชา  Faculty of Liberal Arts Same subject(779)
 Added Entry  Bell, Brian Same author(37)
  Kelly, Thomas
  Sweeney, Geray
 Added Title  Insight guide Ireland
 Price  594
 Group  General
 Location  oCentral Library - 2nd floor 
M0039051 สำนักหอสมุด General Available 914.1704 I65 1999  
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