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 Accession No.  M0154055
 ISBN  9783423212090
 Call Number  Fic H474T 2009
 Author  Heldt, Dora
 Title  Tante Inge haut ab : Roman / Dora Heldt
 Imprint  Munich, Germany : Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 2009
 Physical  336 p
 Note  German language
 Subject  Fiction Same subject(144)
  Germany -- Fiction Same subject(3)
  Sylt (Germany) -- Social life and customs -- Fiction.
  Aunts -- Germany -- Fiction.
 URL Object  oตัวอย่างหน้าปก
 Price  Gift
 Group   Fiction
 Location  oCentral Library - 3rd floor - Fiction Shelf  
M0154055 Central Library Fiction Available Fic H474T 2009  
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