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 Accession No.  M0150131 c1
  M0150132 c2
  M0149489 c3
  M0149490 c4
 ISBN  9781934137451
 Call Number  940.5318092 R351C 2013
 Author  Reicher, Edward
 Title  Country of ash : a Jewish doctor in Poland 1939-1945 / Edward Reicher
 Imprint  New York : Bellevue Literary Press, 2013
 Physical  255 p
 Subject  Reicher, Edward, 1900-1975
  Jews -- Poland -- Lodz -- Biography
  Jewish physicians -- Poland -- Lodz -- Biography
  Jewish physicians -- Poland -- Warsaw -- Biography
  World War, 1939-1945 -- Poland -- Personal narratives, Jewish
  Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) -- Poland -- Warsaw -- Personal narratives
  Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) -- Poland -- Lodz -- Personal narratives
 สาขาวิชา  General Study Same subject(3579)
  Graduate School -- Master of Arts in Peace Studies and Diplomacy Same subject(80)
  ห้องสมุดมารวย@SIAM UNIVERSITY -- Miscellaneous Same subject(63)
 URL Object  oตัวอย่างหน้าปก
 Price  Gift
 Group  General
 Location  oCentral Library - 2nd floor 
  oห้องสมุดมารวย@SIAM UNIVERSITY - Miscellaneous 
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M0150131 Central Library General Available 940.5318092 R351C 2013  
M0150132 Central Library General Available 940.5318092 R351C 2013 c.2  
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