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 Accession No.  M0148811
 ISBN  9783319169965
 Call Number  WO 660 A135 2015
  617.550592 A135 2015
 Title  Abdominal solid organ transplantation: immunology, indications, techniques, and early complications / Antonio Daniele Pinna, Giorgio Erclaoni, editors
 Imprint  Cham : Springer, 2015
 Physical  ix, 453 p : ill
 Subject  Liver -- Transplantation
  Kidneys -- Transplantation
  Intestines -- Transplantation
  Pranangklao Hospital Library Same subject(127)
 สาขาวิชา  Faculty of Medicine Same subject(947)
  Faculty of Nursing Same subject(2529)
 Added Entry  Pinna, Antonio Daniele
  Erclaoni, Giorgio
 URL Object  ตัวอย่างหน้าปก
  oคลิกอ่านตัวอย่าง10 หน้าPDF
 Price  5,040
 Group  General
 Location  oPranangklao Hospital Library 
M0148811 Pranangklao Hospital Library General Available 617.550592 A135 2015  
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