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 Accession No.  M0047081 c1
  M0047082 c2
  M0047083 c3
  M0047084 c4
  M0047085 c5
 ISBN  9747774623
 Call Number  651.75 C737 2000
 Title  A Compendium of official notes and usage / Department of technical and Economic copperation
 Imprint  Bangkok : Department of Technical and Economic Cooperation, 2000
 Physical  167 p
  (5), 270 p
 Subject  Commercial correspondence Same subject(60)
  Form letters Same subject(6)
  Letter writing Same subject(22)
  Memorandums Same subject(7)
 สาขาวิชา  General Study Same subject(3579)
 Added Entry  Department of Technical and Economic Cooperation Same author(2)
 Group  General
 Location  oCentral Library - 2nd floor 
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