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 Accession No.  M0054667
 ISBN  9742720932
 Call Number  333.7 S797 2000
 Title  State of the Thai environment 1997-98 / Sukran Rojanapaiwong, editor
 Imprint  Bangkok : Green World Foundation, 2000
 Physical  229 p
 Subject  Air -- Pollution Same subject(7)
  Energy policy Same subject(3)
  Environmental policy -- Thailand Same subject(4)
  Forests and forestry Same subject(4)
  Minerals Same subject(3)
  Sea -- Thailand
  Soils Same subject(2)
  Tourism Same subject(61)
  Water Same subject(2)
 สาขาวิชา  General Study Same subject(3412)
 Added Entry  Sukran Rojanapaiwong
  The green World Foundation Under The Royal Patronage of Hrh Princess Galyani Vadhana Krom Luang Naradhivas Rajanagarindra
 Group  General
 Location  oCentral Library - 2nd floor 
M0054667 สำนักหอสมุด General Available 333.7 S797 2000  
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